Seurantakohde - Valmis!

Paljon kiinnostusta herättänyt todellinen pienitalo on saatu valmiiksi. Projektin myötä selvisi mm. että Suomessa pienen talon rajana voisi hyvin pitää 50 m2 kerrosalaa. Näin siitä syystä, että rakennusmääräysten puolesta pieni omakotitalo ei eroa suuresta millään muulla tavalla, kuin että alle 50 m2 talo ei tarvitse energiatodistusta. Energiatodistuksella ei ole suurta rasitusta projektille tai sen budjetille, mutta asettaa se kuitenkin selkeän rajan alitettavaksi - jatkossa luotavat uudet suunnitelmat tähtäävätkin siis aina (ulkoseinistä mitattuna) alle tämän pinta-alarajan. 

8.0 m2
22 m2
43 m2

Side-test: youtube video ehkä

A small house aims for happiness. What the resident needs and considers important is put into the house. Happiness comes from the ease of everyday life, solutions that bring space and light, and individuality. Outfits feel satisfied when they feel in control of the space and the goods and things there. A small house is undeniably cheaper than a large house. All the annual costs of a detached house are lower than for an ordinary house: insurance, property tax, electricity bill and maintenance, and repairs. A small house can be both the first home of a student couple and the luxury home of a successful bachelor girl. The small house is suitable as an investment apartment for those looking for a studio or two-room apartment.

Please contact by email:

      Hannes Nurminen


I'm always interested to hear about small house designs and projects. Please feel free to contact me for dicussion about ideas, also incase oyu know about small, challenging property or building site in Tampere.


Do you sell design services?
Not really, I'm still developing my TineBuild/Pienitalo concept. My favorite "Ateljé" project tested many ideas for small house living.

How much does it cost to build model XYZ?
Rough estimate, if you do all by your self you could perhaps do it with 50 000 €, if you hire a carpenter perhaps 100 000 € would do in best case.

Woulnd't you be able to build bigger house with same cost?
These house ideas are for small houses. Even tiny amount of extra area will cost you more.