MicroOur actual miracle 22.4 m2 (or 24.7 m2), on one level - a small detached house with kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom and hallway.
The specialty of the model is the bedroom, which is raised to a height of about a meter, although the bedroom can only hold a fairly large 120 cm wide mattress. During the day, the bedroom is beautifully hidden behind double doors with windows. The glass of the doors together with the window placed high bring light to the room in the middle of the house.
The bedroom is not unnecessarily higher than normal, but there is a washing machine, dryer and a large drawer under the bed on the bathroom side. On the kitchen side, the 90 cm high space has been utilized with the help of a dishwasher, oven and drawer unit.
Kitchen has cupboards on window wall, with normal sink, two burners, work top. Dining table is like a bar-type high table looking towards big window. Livingroom is bog enough couch, table and television set. Perhaps its worth placing a backdoor with the big windows to have easy access to garden.
This Micro-model is really good fit for creating sister models, like this sliglihtly more spacious version. Here house is expanded just half a meter (two feet), and added space is used in bathroom and kitchen. This has created more spacing for dining and also window is even larger. Entryhall is having more storage, thanks to water heater that is now fitted in bathroom.
30.6 m2 version with double bed and added storage.
Here two more versions, with additional 2.5 meters. This is used for study. This expands original 22 square meter tiny house to whopping 43 square meter small house. Plan shows two options how to place the study. With entrance, study could be utilized also for customer meetings without revealing the whole home. On the other hand, placing the study at the back of the house keeps work/hobby away from everyday life. Perhaps this back-of-the-house study is also good for guest room.